Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Publishing: Pump Up Your Book!

There has been great debate lately about the effectiveness of a traditional book tour.  Unless you're a NYT best seller, the publishers are generally not giving you a book tour budget!  You'll be lucky to get a press budget at all!  Most authors do it themselves nowadays and of course, hiring a PR person is expensive.  However, without one, how far can you realistically get?

I literally stumbled upon (no pun intended!) this site, Pump Up Your Book!,  that promotes your book with a variety of tools including an Online Book Tour! What a cool idea! They have a variety of packages.  I can't help but think that this group is right on the money!  I'm definitely bookmarking them for future use!  Their services include a book tour banner just for you, stops at 20 highly trafficked book blogs, many of which are syndicated.  Depending on your package choice, you could have a personalized tour page, book trailer created and more!  Prices range from $399-$799.  They also have a presence on Facebook, just click on their icon to get to that page. 


  1. Thanks so much. Contact me and I would be happy to set up a tour for you._

  2. Oh my goodness....this was a really really nice surprise! Thank you, Lara!

  3. Dorothy, I'm glad! :) I just wish I had more followers to get you better PR! lol I also put it up on Writer Unboxed. You should head over there if you haven't already! :)

  4. Again Lara, thanks so much for letting me know about this site--it's wonderful, and I agree, I think they are really onto something. I love the new doors that are now open for writers to promote themselves thanks to the Internet--it's an area of marketing that has always fascinated me. :) PS LOVE YOUR BLOG!

  5. This is a great idea! As a rookie author, I figured we all got in our old trucks, packed with boxes of books, and hit the book store circuit. After driving hundreds of miles to sell a handfull of books, I knew that wasn't working. The great events, were the half-day drives where no one showed. Fabulous idea! Once I recoup my wasted traditional-book-tour budget, I am going to sign up for this.


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